Easing the burden of
day-to-day life for families facing pediatric cancer


Unlike most pediatric cancer organizations, FGP focuses on parents. Our philosophy is that by alleviating some day-to-day stress through emotional and financial support, we give caregivers the gift of time and the capacity to better support their families during these difficult times.

Gold Ribbon
"help us support pediatric cancer families"
"Upcoming Events"


Child with cancer in the hospital

“There is no way to express my gratitude for FGP. When Graeme was first diagnosed, everything was blurry – it was a whirlwind. Trying to understand the diagnosis, manage communication with friends and family members and keep it together was challenging. That’s an understatement.”


Teen with cancer smiling

“She was a breath of fresh air. Ceili took on her 2nd cancer with such a good spirit and she got tough fast. She was extremely well read and investigative about what was going on but yet was always looking for when she was going to get better and what life is going to be like after she got through treatment and had cancer behind her.”


Child in car seat smiling

“In December of 2016, at four-years-old, Oliver was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He came down with pneumonia, and a week later, we were at Children’s Hospital of Richmond learning the ropes of lumbar punctures and neutrophil counts. To be honest, most of that is a blur.”


Teen boy smiling

“We were a family of four: me and three amazing kids with one on the way. Michael, 15 years old at the time, was very active in sports, and a straight-A freshmen in high school, when our world completely changed. He became sick and ended up in the hospital to find out he needed two brain biopsies.”
